The scripts window also provides access to the device registers view that displays the stored value of the device
registers and allows them to be changed directly. Launch the registers view by double clicking on the "Registers
View" button under the "Device List" box on the right side of the screen.
Figure 4-15. Registers View
Overview of Device Registers
Register x00 is the result register and provides the output data from the device as an exponent and mantissa
value indicated as e and r in the register view.
Register x01 is the configuration register and provides feedback about the state of the device; the bit names and
full descriptions are shown in the
. Each of the read-only status bits are greyed out and
cannot be changed.
Registers x02 and x03 enforce low and high limits, respectively, on the output ranges (exponent) and values
(mantissa) from the OPT3004. These registers are not included in the register view.
Additional Features of the Scripts Window
Hidden IDE Window
OPT3004DTSEVM Software
OPT3004DTSEVM User's Guide
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