Setting up the OMAP-L138/C6748 Development Kit (LCDK)
SPRUIL2A – February 2019 – Revised September 2019
Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
OMAP-L138/C6748 Low-Cost Development Kit (LCDK)
4. Configure the serial port as shown in
a. Select the COM port that corresponds to the USB device.
b. Baud rate: 115200
c. Data: 8 bit
d. Parity: none
e. Stop: 1 bit
To do this in Tera Term, go to Setup
Serial port.
Figure 6. Tera Term Baud Rate Selection
5. Power the board up.
Running the Face Detect Demo
1. To run the Face Detect demo, external hardware is needed.
a. Connect the composite camera input at J6 on the composite video input port.
b. Connect the composite display out at J4 on the composite video out port.
Figure 7. Face Detect Demo Connections
2. Run the Face Detect demo. In less than 10 seconds, Tera Term will display output indicating that the
demo is running.