Setting up the OMAP-L138/C6748 Development Kit (LCDK)
SPRUIL2A – February 2019 – Revised September 2019
Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
OMAP-L138/C6748 Low-Cost Development Kit (LCDK)
3. The system continues capturing the number of detected objects in each frame and displays its status
as shown in
Figure 8. Face Detect Demo Status Window
The Face detect demo is based of older Legacy BIOS C6SDK software that is no longer supported. For
reference to this software baseline, see the collateral and software at
The BIO C6SDK installer is provided on the SD card. Start your development with the BIOS C6SDK for
C6748 users by installing the SDK executable. Install the Code Composer Studio Integrated Development
Environment and Code Gen Tools before installing the C6SDK installer. For details on starting the
development, see the user's guide that is provided with the BIOS C6SDK.
The Processor SDK baseline is the only supported and actively maintained software baseline
for these devices. TI strongly urges users to begin with Processor SDK for new development.
Procedure to Flash and Boot the LCDK
The NAND may be flashed either through the USB-serial port or through CCS. The software provided in
the following application note provides both tools.
OMAPL138/C6748 ROM Bootloader Resources and FAQ
The following AISgen config file has the correct settings for NAND16 boot, with the CPU running at 300
MHz, and DDR2 at 150 MHz.
Serial Port Method
1. Determine what serial port is assigned to the on-board UART->USB IC as show in
2. Set the boot pins to UART2 boot mode as shown in
3. Perform the following actions, where "COMx" refers to the COM port found in the previous step
(COM8). For C6748 boards, replace "OMAPL138_LCDK" with "C6748_LCDK".
a. Erase the entire NAND (optional):
sfh_OMAP-L138.exe -targettype OMAPL138_LCDK -flashtype NAND -p COMx -erase
b. Flash bootable AIS image (ais_image.bin) to block 1 of the NAND
sfh_OMAP-L138.exe -targettype OMAPL138_LCDK -flashtype NAND -p COMx -
flash_noubl ais_image.bin
Run the commands and then power cycle or reset the board to initiate the process.
c. CCS Method