The EVM kit used for the TRF6901 transceiver has multiple uses depending on what
you want to achieve. It can be used for link demonstration, code development, or
stand-alone RF evaluation.
Link demonstration. 2 EVM kits can be used together to demonstrate a bi-directional half-
duplex link using 2 PCs (so called “system mode’)
Starts on page 4.
Code development. The EVM kit can be used in conjunction with the MSP430 development
tool and 1 PC to develop and implement code.
Starts on page 7.
RF evaluation. 1 EVM kit using 1 PC and RF test equipment can be used to evaluate the
TRF6901 with the objective of looking at the RF reception and transmission.
Starts on page
The EVM kit is offered in 2 versions:
– MSP-US-TRF6901. MSP430 pre-programmed with the European ISM band
– MSP-EU-TRF6901. MSP430 pre-programmed with the US ISM band
The OBJECTIVE of this document is to get you started using the EVM
kit. Other documentation provided more detailed information of how
to use this tool. To download the EVM kit User’s guide, go to:
Europe version:
US version: