INA220 Software Overview
Using the INA220 Software
The INA220EVM software has six different tabs that allow you to access different features of the INA220.
The first four tabs are designed so that you can completely configure the device by stepping through the
tabs in order. Each of the tabs is intended to have an intuitive graphical interface that helps you gain a
better understanding of the device.
Overview Tab
This tab has the following controls:
Turn the power supply on and off
Set the I
C address
Config Tab
This tab has the following controls:
Shunt voltage attenuator range (smallest range: 40mV; largest range: 320mV)
Shunt voltage configuration: resolution and number of averages. Note that increasing the number of
averages decreases the noise but slows down the conversion rate.
Bus voltage attenuator range (16V and 32V): Note that the maximum bus voltage for the INA220 is
26V. Thus, the 32V range cannot be fully used.
Bus voltage configuration: Resolution and number of averages. Note that increasing the number of
averages decreases noise but slows down the conversion rate.
A/D converter mode: This control determines how the converters work. The most commonly used
modes are Shunt and Bus continuous conversion mode. This mode causes both converters to run
More details on these options are explained in the
Calibrate Tab
The calibration tab allows users to enter some information regarding the INA220 configuration in a given
application. This information is used to compute the Full-Scale Cal Register. The Full-Scale Cal Register
converts the shunt voltage to a current value. The detailed mathematics behind this calibration feature is
given in the
. Also, this feature is explained in a step-by-step manner in the video.
Scaling Tab
This tab allows you to see how the mathematical operations work in the INA220. Specifically, this tab
shows how the current and power values are computed using the full-scale calibration register.
Graph Tab
The graph tab will display bus voltage, shunt current, and power versus time when the software is in
continuous convert mode.
Registers Tab
This tab allows you to read and edit all the registers in the INA220. All the previous tabs affect the register
listing. For example, changing the A/D configuration on Tab 2 will affect Register 0 in the register list. It is
also true that changing register 0 updates the A/D configuration on Tab 2. Thus, the graphical
representation and register representation affect each other.
INA220 Evaluation Module
SBOU079A – July 2009 – Revised February 2010
Copyright © 2009–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated