To start generating a pulse, press the Trigger Input push-button. The resulting pulse lasts approximately
10 seconds, during which time the adjacent LED is always on. To abort generating the pulse, press the
Trigger Input push-button again. Then the output voltage goes back to the default value (12.6 V) and the
LED turns off.
The Program 1-2-3 push-button selects one of the three available programs. Each keystroke counts one
program up. After selecting the third program, the next keystroke jumps back to program 1.
Figure 3. Program 1, 2 s/div – DaimlerChrysler Engine-Cranking Test Pulse, DC-10615
Figure 4. Program 2, 200 ms/div – Volkswagen Warm-Start Test Pulse, VW80000
SLVU984 – December 2013
Automotive Cranking Simulator User’s Guide
Copyright © 2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated