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PCB (Top View)
The DRV8846 customer EVM is a platform revolving around the DRV8846, a low voltage dual H-bridge
driver and highly configurable power stage. This device has been optimized to drive a single bipolar
stepper with up to 32 degrees of internally generated microstepping.
The EVM houses an MSP430 microcontroller and a USB interface chip. The USB chip allows for serial
communications from a PC computer where a Microsoft
application is used to schedule serial
commands. These commands can be used to control each of the device’s signals, and drive the stepper
motor by issuing the step commands at the desired rate.
The microcontroller firmware operates using internal index mode.
This user's guide details the operation of the EVM, as well as the hardware configurability of the
evaluation module.
The DRV8846EVM offers access to VM (motor voltage) power rail via a terminal block (J1). A set of test
clips in parallel with the terminal block allows for the monitoring of the input power rail.
Apply VM according to datasheet-recommended parameters.
VDD for the microcontroller is derived from the micro USB connector.
Microsoft, Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
DRV8846 Evaluation Module
SLLU203A – June 2014 – Revised March 2015
Copyright © 2014–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated