Configuration Options
SNLU237 – September 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
DP83869EVM User's Guide
B = use '*' for an extended access read and '=' for a direct access read
/ = end string with '/'
For example, to load register 0x462h with PHY_ID = 1 with extended access, copy and paste the following
command into a serial com terminal: 01LOAD0462*/
To start reading data, continuously copy and paste the following into the serial com terminal: OPEN
To stop reading data, continuously copy and paste the following into the serial com terminal: STOP
The "OPEN" and "STOP" commands are in no particular position, so the designer can copy
"OPENSTOP" and paste it into the serial com terminal once to start reading data and then
paste it again to stop reading data, for example.
When the read loop is stopped, the list of registers to read is cleared.