Test Summary
Charge Voltage and Current Regulation of USB
1. Ensure that the
steps are followed.
2. Move JP2 (CE1 or CE) = HI and JP6 = HI.
3. Connect the output of Power Supply number 1 (PS1) in series with current meter (multimeter) number
1 (CM1) to J4 and J8 or J6 (USB, GND).
4. Connect voltage meter 1 (VM1) across J4 or TP2 and J8 or TP5 (USB, GND).
5. With PS2 disabled, turn on PS1.
6. Measure:
Measure on VM3
V(J5/TP4(SYS),J9(GND)) = 4.3 ± 100 mV
Measure on VM4
V(J13(DRV),J15(GND)) = 5.2 ± 200 mV
7. Move JP2 (CE1 or CE) = LO and JP6 = LO while keeping the default settings for JP3 (USB3), JP4
(USB2) and JP5 (USB1). Adjust PS1 so that VM1 still reads 6 V ± 100 mV if necessary.
8. Enable PS2 and adjust PS2 so that the voltage measured by VM2, across BAT and GND, measures
3.2 V ± 50 mV.
9. Measure:
Measure on CM2
= 735 mA ± 75 mA
Measure on CM1
= 475 mA ± 50 mA
D1 and D2 are on.
10. Turn off PS1 and PS2.
Helpful hints
1. To observe the taper current as the battery voltage approaches the set regulation voltage, allow the
battery to charge or, if using BAT_Load (PR1010), slowly increase the PS2 voltage powering
BAT_Load (PR1010). Use VM2 across BAT and GND to measure the battery voltage seen by the IC.
2. To observe the V
function, lower the current limit on PS1.
3. To observe battery supplement mode, apply a resistive load across SYS and GND that is higher than
the maximum charge current.
SLUU497B – December 2011 – Revised June 2012
Chipscale-Packaged bq24165, 24166, 24167 Evaluation Modules
Copyright © 2011–2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated