EEG Specific Features
Figure 40. Setting up the Bias Drive Loop
Once these steps are completed, measure and verify that the voltage on either side of R8 is close to mid-
supply. This measurement confirms whether the Bias drive loop is functional. Apart from the BIAS_DRV
signal, the ADS1299EEG-FE also offers an option to drive the cable shield. The EEG cable shield signal
can be connected to BIAS_SHD. The jumper (1-2) on JP17 must be shorted to enable the shield drive.
The footprints for the components needed for the shield drive circuitry are available on the board. But the
components are not installed at the factory.
Lead-Off Detection
The ADS1299 provides multiple schemes to implement the lead-off detection function. These schemes
include current source at dc, at 7.8Hz, 31.2Hz or at f
. There is also a wide range on the amplitude of
currents available. Refer to the ADS1299 product data sheet (
) for additional details.
While attempting to use the lead-off detection, care must be taken to analyze the input signal. If the input
signal is dc-coupled, the dc lead-off scheme can be used. If the input signal is ac-coupled, the ac lead-off
scheme must be used. When using the dc lead-off scheme, be sure to bias the patient to set the input
common-mode before activating lead-off detection.
DC Lead-Off
At board power-up, the firmware sets the appropriate registers so that dc lead-off is selected. In the event
of a reset signal, the register values default to the device default settings. In such a scenario, follow this
procedure to reactivate the lead-off circuitry.
Step 1.
Make sure the input is dc-coupled and that the bias drive circuit is operational, as explained
Step 2.
Choose the lead-off scheme by setting the respective bits in the LOFF register (in the LOFF
control tab). Select the DC Lead-Off Detect, 6.25nA, Current Source scheme, and set the
comparator threshold to 95%. Select the appropriate inputs for lead-off detection by clicking
the bits of the LOFF_SENSP and LOFF_SENSN Registers. The LOFF tab should appear as
shown in
EEG Front-End Performance Demonstration Kit
SLAU443 – May 2012
Copyright © 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated