After Sales Support
TEL: 1300 886 649
1. Use the UP/DOWN keys on the remote to highlight
channels to delete.
2. Press the “Red” key and dialogue box will ask you to
3. Press OK when “YES” is highlighted to complete channel
*To recover deleted channels you must Re-Scan.
1. Use the UP/DOWN keys to select channels you wish to
make favorites.
2. Press the “Yellow” key to deselect or select channels as
3. Press the “FAV” key on the remote to access your
Favorites List - in normal operational mode.
1. Press the “Blue” key to access the Sort options.
2. Use the UP/DOWN keys to select channels you wish
to make favorites.
3. Use the UP/DOWN keys to make your selection and
press OK.
4. Press the EXIT key to leave the sub-menu environment
and save your changes.