Single Station Vicat Test Apparatus
3.5 Explanation of the process of water temperature control
The cooling process starts as soon as the water temperature reaches the value (set point c hyste-
resis cooling) or rises above this value.
The cooling process stops only when the water temperature has declined to the value (set point cooling) or
if it has fallen below this value.
The heating process starts as soon as the water temperature reaches the value (set point heating - hyste-
resis heating) or falls below this value.
The heating process stops as soon as the water temperature rises to the value (set point heating) or if it
has exceeded this value.
The Figure below shows the graphical representation of the facts.
Setting values Process values
Figure 12: Temperature control
start cooling
stop cooling
hysteresis cooling 0.1 °C
set point cooling 20.0 °C
stop heating
set point heating 19.7 °C
start heating
stop heating
hysteresis heating 0.1 °C
actual value
start heating
20.1 °C
20.0 °C
19,7 °C
19,6 °C