TI2500 GPU-24
Operating Procedures
3.8 – Normal Function Test Procedures
This section involves “normal function” test proce dures,
and includes steps necessary to ensure that the TI2500
GPU-24 is operating within specified para meters prior to
use. A digital multimeter (an example is shown in Figure
3.8.1) capable of measuring dc and ac voltage and
resistance will be required to perform some of the tests.
These functional test procedures should become routine.
Figure 3.8.1 – Digital Multimeter
Check Unit for Evidence of Damage
Check for dents, punctures, case distortion or misalignment, and cracked or loose connec tors. If no damage
is evident, proceed to the next step. If damage is evident, contact Tesla™ Industries, Inc.
Checking DC Voltage at DC Output Receptacle Pins
To verify that the power cells are fully charged, set the digital multimeter
to measure DC voltage. As shown in Figure 3.8.2., place the positive
probe (red) on the positive post of the DC Output Connector and the
negative probe on the negative post. The Multimeter display should
read approximately 28.5 Vdc (± 0.5 Vdc) when power cells are fully
charged and the unit is plugged into an appropriate ac power source.
When the unit is not plugged into an ac power source, the Multimeter
display should read approximately 25.5 Vdc.
Figure 3.8.2 – Testing DC