tenciometr zmëny citlivosti R348 do polohy
„Kai. X “, pfepinac S303 do polohy 0. Stopu na-
stavime pfibl. do stfedu stinitka, obdélnik je
asi 3 dilky vysokÿ. Pfidâvânim kondenzâtorü
Cr paralelnë k C341 nastavime optimâlni pfe-
nos obdélniku. (Hodnota Cr je 330 nebo 680
nebo 820 pF.].
switch S302 to the position 20 mV/div., the
sensitivity adjustment potentiometer R348 to
the position “X CAL.“ and the switch S303 to
the position “0 “. Set the trace approximately
to the centre of the screen, the height of the
rectangle being about 3 divisions. Trim the
wave-form of the rectangle to an optimum by
adding Cr capacitors in parallel with C341.
(The value of Cr is 330 or 680 or 820 p F .)
Nastaveni vstupni kapacity zâkladniho rozsahu
vstupu XI
Prepinac S302 nastavime do polohy 20mV/dil;
S301 do p o l o h y --------- Na vstup X I (F301) pfi-
pojime generâtor obdélnikového napëti asi 150
mV pfes kalibraëni jednotku. Na stinitku se
objevi obdélnikové prûbëhy, jejichż optimâlni
tvar dostavime kondenzâtorem C333. Pîi nasta-
vovâni je nutno mit pfepinac S303 v poloze 0.
Adjustment of Input Capacity of the Basic
Range of X I Input
Set the switch S302 to the position 20 mV/div.
and the switch S301 to the position “r r z : “.
Apply a rectangular-wave voltage of about
150 mV from a generator to the X I input
(F301) via a calibrator. Rectangular waves
now appear on the screen and their shape
can be adjusted to an optimum by means of
the capacitor C333. The switch S303 must be
in its “0 “ position during this procedure.
Nastaveni vstupni kapacity zâkladniho rozsahu
vstupu X2
Postup je stejnÿ jako v pfedchozim odstavci.
Optimâlni tvar obdélnikû dostavime kondenzâ
torem C334.
Adjustment of Input Capacity of the Basic
Range of X2 Input
The procedure is the same as described in the
previous paragraph, the capacitor C334 being
used to trim the rectangular wave-form.
Nastaveni frekvencni kompenzace vstupnich
Odpojime kalibracni jednotku a na vstup X I
(F301) pfivedeme obdélnikové napëti 10 kHz.
Pfepinac S301 dâme do p o l o h y --------, S303 do
polohy 0. Velikost obrazu nastavime na 3 dilky
a udrzujeme ji po celou dobu nastavovani. Po
nastaveni zopakujeme stejnÿ postup na vstupu
X2 (F302), avsak S301 dâme do polohy 0; S303
do p o lo h y ---------
Tabulka rozsahû a dostavovacich kondenzâ-
Vstup „X I“
Vstup ,,X2“
Adjustment of Input Divider Frequency
Disconnect the calibrator and apply a rectan
gular-wave voltage with a frequency of 10 kHz
to the X I input (F 3 0 1 j. Set the switch S301 to
the position “
3 3 3
“ and the switch S303 to the
position “0 “. Set the image size to 3 divisions
and keep this setting throughout the adjust
ment procedure. Repeat the procedure for the
X2 input (F302) after having changed the
switch S301 to the position “0 “ and the switch
S303 to the position “ r
Table of Ranges and Trimming Capacitors:
“X I “ input
“X2“ input
Nastaveni vstupni kapacity
Input Capacity Adjustment
Na vstup „ X I“ (F301) pfivedeme pfes kali
bracni jednotku obdelnikove napśti. Dostavime
obrazek pomocnymi prvky tak, aby byl dosta-
tecnS jasny a ostry a velikost asi 3 dilky po
celou dobu nastavovani. Dostavime optimalni
tvar obdelniku kondenzśtory v jednotlivych
rozsazich podle tabulky.
Po dostaveni zopakujte postup na vstupu „X2“.
Tabulka rozsahu a dostavovacich kondenzś-
Vstup „X I“
Vstup „X2“
Apply a rectangular-wave voltage to the “X I “
input (F301) via a calibrator. Use the control
elements to adjust the image to be sufficiently
bright and sharp and to keep the size of the
image about 3 divisions throughout the adjust
ment procedure. Trim the shape of the rectan
gle to an optimum by means of the capacitors
as indicated in the table below for the indivi
dual ranges.
Repeat the procedure for the “X2“ input.
Table of Ranges and Trimming Capacitors:
“X I “ input
“X2“ input
Содержание BM 510
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Страница 47: ...D h C301 100 1 AN 350 25 BM 510 5...
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Страница 53: ...R332 u at G 44 se H343 R379 R381 C243...
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