The rotation of the boiler during the shipment or installation represents a serious risk and
can lead to damaging the boiler.
It is forbidden to place one boiler onto another.
The boiler can be stored only in closed rooms with no atmospheric influence. The humidity
in the storing room also must not exceed the critical value of 80%, so as not to create any condensate.
The temperature of the storing room must be in the range from 0 ˚C to 40 ˚C.
When unpacking the boiler, you must check whether the paint on the boiler coating has been
scratched somewhere and whether all parts of the boiler stand in their proper position.
Delivery range
Together with the boiler, also the following parts are supplied:
Cleaning kit with an ash tray
Warranty paper and this boiler manual
Boiler regulation (built-in already)
Boiler cables to connect to power supply and circulation pump
B 12 SET version ONLY: expansion vessel, circulation pump
Along the boiler following parts are OBLIGATORY but NOT INCLUDED in boiler delivery:
Thermo-manometer and the safety group
Mixing valve
Boiler valves etc.
Introductory remarks
The end user must follow the guidelines from this manual all the time. In contrary case the
warranty won’t be acknowlidged.
Boiler chamber is tested on test pressure of 6 bar in our own facility.
Pay strict attention that boiler valves are always open while boiler in use.
Don’t forget to do a mechanical reset of the circulation pump at start of every heating season.