5.What to insert
Items that may be inserted
Items difficult to process
Large food waste
Soft and resilient food waste
Egg shells
Food scraps
Vegetable scraps, fruit scraps, (cooked) rice, fish meat. bones of small
fish (sardines etc.), chicken bones such as the upper portion of chicken
wings, meat. noodles, bread, fried food, tea leaves, leftovers, etc.
The following food waste may be inserted in the
garbage disposer, but may remain inside the grinding
chamber or the drain pipe, as they are difficult process.
Large leaves of cabbage and lettuce ; skins
of grapefruit, watermelon, melons, etc.
Raw fish skins, chicken skins and cartilage.
A large amount of egg shells inserted all at once will
accumulate in the drain pipe and may cause clogging.
Cut them into small 3cm cubes before dropping.
Mix a small amount with other food waste for disposal.
Mix a small amount
(one or two shells)
wit h ot her f ood
A small amount of fibrous food waste
(A small handful of) soybean pods, etc.
Do not insert a large amount (hands full)of food waste of a single type (rice only,
soybeans only, egg shells only, tea leaves only, for example). They may not be
processed and will remain in the grinding chamber, clogging the drain pipe.
M i x a s m a l l
a m o u n t w i t h
other food waste
for disposal.
Cut into
In a small
small pieces!
In a small
In a small