Serial Interface
The FM-1600 is equipped with a “three-wire” full duplex Rs-232c interface. It permits the unit to be
remotely controlled via an external controller and will report the unit’s status on request. The unit
may be equipped with an Rs-422 or Rs-485 adapter to interface with other systems.
The unit will ignore commands that are not addressed to it so that multiple units may be controlled
over an Rs-485 system. The protocol is N 8 1, i.e. no parity bit, 8 data bits, and one stop bit. The
command structure is as follows:
To enable serial transmission send: XON which is hex 11 or ^Q on a PC keyboard. The unit will
respond by sending “OK”.
To disable serial transmission send: XOFF which is hex 13 or ^S on a PC keyboard. The unit will
respond by sending “ok”.
To set a channel, send the following eight character string: m;01050CR
CR is Carriage Return, hex 0D, or Enter on a PC keyboard. The significance of the characters is as
shown below.
For example, to set a unit whose front panel address is set to 77 to channel 00 without Local Lockout
(local lockout disables the front panel controls) send the following string: