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If the current is adjusted so that the load is higher than the set limit, the output will 

automatically convert to CC mode. If it is lower than the limit it is in CV mode. 

The mode is indicated by the LEDs on the front panel.


CV mode is set when the connectors are open circuit. CC mode is set when they 

are short circuit.


In independent mode (TRACK) Ch1 and Ch2 work separately.


In series mode (FREE) the negative output of Ch1 is connected to the positive 

terminal of CH2 and linked to ground. The output is taken from CH1 positive and 

CH2 negative. Maximum output is 64V as a sum of the reading of CH1 plus CH2.


CH3 is a fixed 5V with negative terminal connected to ground. The load resistance 

should not be less than 2 ohms.

Front panel controls 

1.  Voltage display

2.  Current display

3.  Current adjustment in CC mode

4.  Voltage adjustment in CV mode

5.  Constant voltage indicator LED

6.  Constant current indicator LED

7.  Power switch

8.  CH1 output connector

9.  Mode selector switch

10.  Ground connector

11.  CH2 output connector

12.  CH3 fixed 5V output connector

13.  Model identification
