Figure 23 Configured Ignition SMS event
The SMS Text field can be altered and any text can be entered. Maximum message length is
90 symbols (numbers, letters and symbols in ASCII, except for comma “,”).
If FMB900 is in Deep Sleep mode and SMS event occurs with LOW priority
(which does not wake up FMB900), then the device does not send the message.
It is saved in device memory until it wakes up from Deep Sleep mode and GSM
modem starts working normally. After it wakes up, all the messages that are
saved in memory will be sent, but keep in mind that only 10 messages can be
saved in memory – all other messages will not be saved, until there is room in
device memory.
I/O settings
When no I/O element is enabled, AVL packet comes with GNSS information only. After
enabling I/O element(s) AVL packet along with GNSS information contains current value(s) of
enabled I/O element.
Enabled or disabled field – allows enabling I/O element so it is added to the data packet
and is sent to the server. By default all I/O element are disabled and FMB900 records only GNSS
Priority (AVL packet priority) all records made by FMB900 are regular. Regular packets are
sent as Low priority records. When low priority event is triggered, FMB900 makes additional
record with indication that the reason for that was I/O element change.
Table 3 Permanent I/O elements
Permanent I/O elements