Chapter 1: Overview
This manual describes the Telephone Line Simulator-4A which tests
telephones and other telecommunications devices.
The TLS-4A Telephone Line Simulator offers a convenient means for setting
up temporary “telephone lines” to demonstrate or test equipment where
actual central office lines are not easily available. The TLS-4A provides four
simulated lines, two “talk paths” or connections, and an audio interface port,
making it a versatile device for a variety of applications including:
Demonstrating or testing telecommunications devices such as
telephone sets, fax machines, and modems. Two simultaneous,
independent conversations can be set up over the four lines.
Playing prerecorded presentations over a line when the telephone
handset is lifted (for example, at trade show or museum displays)
As a teaching aid with the audio port configured to allow monitoring
and/or recording of a telephone conversation (for example, when
teaching children to use “9-1-1”)
Testing telephone or key system installations
Limited testing of loop start PBX installations
Static Protection
Use standard precautions in discharging electrostatic buildup before
operating this equipment or any other electrical equipment.
Programmable operations:
—Two phone numbers for each line
—Forced disconnect
—Hot line (“ringdown”) number
—Ring cadence 1-3 rings
—Hunt groups
—Immediate or dial access to audio port
—Tone or recorded message when an invalid number is dialed
—Monitor mode (allows recording phone calls for training use)
—PBX-like operations: call transfer, add on, hook flash
—Timing adjustments
—Second dial tone simulates outside line access
—Tone following disconnect
Provides four lines and two connections
Portability and quick, convenient setup
Reference Manual
Chapter 1: Overview
40-400-00033, Rev.
Page 1