Calling Number Display
Identify who is calling you by displaying the caller’s
telephone number (unless the number is blocked).
How do I use it?
When your phone rings, simply look at your display
screen. After a while you’ll recognise the numbers of
the people who call you regularly.
Some phones, such as the T1000C Calling Number
Display rental phone, can be programmed to store
a short list of numbers and names in memory, so that
you can see the name of the caller.
If you’re busy or unsure of the number, you can store the
number and return the call later. Storing or logging of a
limited number of calls (call record) is a standard feature
of most display telephone equipment.
If you would like Calling Number Display, please call
us on
13 2200
or go to
The Calling Number Display Screen
Telstra Calling Number Display uses a special telephone,
such as the Telstra T1000C rental phone, or a stand alone
attachment that has a display screen.
This message displays the caller’s
mobile number.
The word MoBIlE will only appear if
the display device supports this option.
This message displays the telephone
number of the call you have received
or missed.
The following messages will not display the caller’s
phone number:
Indicates that the call
is from one of the following:
1. a silent line or unlisted number;
2. a caller who has chosen to block their number;
3. a caller calling from overseas; or
4. a caller whose telephone service is provided by
a carrier or service provider not participating in
Calling Number Display, or who requires the caller
to request that this feature be enabled.