user’s guide
2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
Figure 19
2. parameters
Archive images
(yes/no) – in the case of alarm defines if images are stored
in the memory or not?
Video detection
(yes/no) – if yes, alarm will be produces if there are
enough changes between recorded images
Sensitivity threshold
(1-10) – main parameter for video detection
mechanism (1 – max. sensitivity, 10 – min.sensitivity)
Sensor detection
if yes, alarm will be produced if there is a
sensor connected to Telmoss which generates the alarm signal. In the case
that no sensor is connected to the input connector, alarm will be generated
only once at the begining (always ON).
An alarm can be generated in 3 cases: video detection, sensor detection or both (the
first happens produces the alarm) depending on the settings.
In the case of alarm:
images will be archived ONLY if “Archive images” parameter is set to Yes
only in the period of 15 seconds after alarm is registered, the pictures are
being stored into the memory (ca. 10 images)
next storing will be done after new event happens, which means that the
current must previously end
user will be notified if SMS notification is set up properly and turned on (see
next chapter)
user’s guide
2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
Setting SMS reception
If user wants to receive SMS messages about alarms following parameters must be set
SMS reception
(yes/no) – enables/disables SMS sending to particular user.
User is determined by PIN code during the logging procedure.
Destination number
– must be in the form +cccaaannnn (e.g. for Croatia,
Vipnet network, number 123456 is +38591123456). This number defines
the destination phone number to which the SMS will be sent.
Video server title
– arbitrary title for video server that will be inserted into
SMS message to define the origin of alarm (e.g. name of the object
observed etc.)
SMS center number
- defined by particular network operator whose SIM
card is applied in particular Telmoss device.
Image recording and SMS sending procedures are sequentially performed:
alarm occurrence at Zone X -->
image archiving from Camera X (15 secs, if turned on) -->
SMS sending to all users who set “SMS reception” to Yes
Once the SMS is sent (for particular camera/zone), next SMS indication (for the same
camera/zone), will be sent:
in the case of first, new alarm which occurs min. 60 minutes after last SMS
sending OR
immediately when new alarm occurs BUT only if previously an user was
connected to Telmoss in the mean time.