xN930 M.2 Hardware User Guide
Modem Configuration on Linux Based PC
The following section describes the system architecture of Inter-Processor Communication
on a M.2 module when connected to a Linux based Host OS (Android, Chrome, and Ubuntu).
The description is only concerned with the HS-USB port which is the only available
functional interprocessor communications (IPC) interface at run-time and takes into account
only the AT control plane and IP packets data connection. Audio packet exchange is outside
the scope of the current version of M.2.
illustrates the architecture of the IPC and its components.
Figure 13 Linux Software Architecture
The user data is transferred from/to the cellular protocol stack (C-PS) to the IPC via a
centralized memory manager. The centralized memory manager is called packet buffer
manager (PBM). The user data is routed along the data plane as IP packets using several
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