GS2101M IP2WiFi Adapter Command Reference Guide
Rev. 2.0
2.7 Wireless Network Management
2.7.1 Scanning
The IP-to-WiFi interface can instruct the WiFi radio to scan for access points with a
specified SSID, BSSID and/or channel for a specified scan time. Scanning can be
performed to find networks with a specific SSID or BSSID, networks operating on a
specific radio channel or a combination of these constraints.
2.7.2 Association
The IP-to-WiFi interface performs all the actions required to join an infrastructure IP
Scan for a specific AP (AT+WS) – see
Authenticate the specified network using the configured authentication mode
(AT+WAUTH) – see
5.3.8 Advanced Commands, page 118
for more information
Associate to the AP (AT+WA) – see
Perform security negotiation if required
Change state to Wireless Connected
2.7.3 SSID and Passphrase
The following rules apply:
1. The IP2WiFi Application accepts the following ASCII characters for SSID and
Note: 1. SP = space.
2. The SSID or Passphrase parameter may be captured within or without double
quotation marks (“SSID”).
3. The quotation mark (“) may not be used as the first character of the SSID or
4. If comma (,) is a part of the SSID, then SSID parameter needs to be framed with
double quotation marks (“SS,ID”) (see
Table 7 SSID and Passphrase Characters
Accepted Characters
a-z and A-Z
Special Characters
SP ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , ‐ . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ ”