Telex TT-16 Transmitter
Page 4
Power Lock: To lock the power button ON, Press the set and the up and the down
buttons at the same time until a small “lock” icon near the channel icon flashs two
times. The lock icon will then disappear. Pressing the power button while in lock
mode will cause the lock icon to flash. To de-select the lock function, Press the set
and up and down buttons again until the icon flashes one time. The power button
will then be unlocked.
SW Revision: Press and hold the down button. The Revision Number will be
Displayed in the Balanced and Unbalanced gain digits.
Audio Input……………………………………….Female XLR
Level, Unbalanced RTS 1 or RTS 2 selected……. 0.5 to 2 VRMS
Impedance, Microphone selected……………….. > 10,000 Ohms
Level, Balanced Telex selected…………………. 0.5 to 2 VRMS
Impedance, Telex selected………………………... > 10,000 Ohms
Audio Input………………………………………..Female ¼ inch
Level……………………………………..………..10 mV to 1.0 VRMS Unbalanced
Impedance………………………………………... > 10,000 Ohms
Signal To Noise Ratio…………….……….….....56 dB Un-companded, 77dB companded
Pre-emphasis………………………………….….115 uSeconds
Maximum Deviation……………………………..25 KHz
Number of Channels……………………………..16, user selectable
Frequency Range…………………………………64.5-67.5 MHz (in selected steps/channels) See
Channel/Frequency Chart.
RF Power Output………………………………. 50mW (High Power), 5mW (Low Power)