NI223Plus - 9 -
C-Soft Phone Control Buttons
Figure 6 C-Soft Phone Control Buttons Setup
Figure 6 shows a few of the basic C-Soft Phone Control buttons. Any button can be configured
for a task by Right-Clicking on the button, then using the UI Element Function pull down menu.
In this case, Phone – On/Offhook was selected. The Remote Phone Line Select tab shows that no
specific line was selected as the Phone asset. Instead Pool was selected. In the case of the IP-223,
Pool mode means that if both lines are setup as Phone Mode (PSTN or iDen® System), the open
line will be selected for use when the console tries to connect. This is the same function as the
multi-line telephone. Also shown is an example of a few phone control buttons. Please refer to
the C-Soft manual for further details on the button configuration.
C-Soft Radio Line Types:
To use the IP-223 iDen® Radio interface in Direct Connect Mode, the line type will be the
standard radio type. As shown in Figure 2, each Function tone entry will have a Direct Connect
number association. Simply changing the Function Tone selection will steer the Direct Connect
dial string. The same can be said for Group Call and Call Alert.
4 IDen® Network Calling
4.1 Console Selected Calling
As shown in Figure 2, each Function Tone entry is assigned a Direct Connect, Group,
Emergency, or Alert number. Pressing the Function Tone on the console will route the dial string
to the iDen® phone.
4.2 Manual
The console DTMF keypad may be used to manually initiate Group, Emergency Group, Direct
Connect, Direct Connect, Alert calls or dial a phone number. Using the standard keys, enter the
dial string to be called. The A, B, C, or D keys are used to complete the calling function. C-Soft
allows the user to customize the DTMF button labels. The A, B, C, and D buttons may then be
labeled with the specific iDen® calling function.