- 6 - NI223Plus
listening consoles. Configuration of the ring multicast and port numbers must be unique and
consistent with the IP-223 and any listening console. For console configurations, please refer to
the specific User Manual for that product. After the iDen® Radio Mode has been set, the IP-223
must be reset.
Figure 2 shows the iDen® Radio Setup page. Each line in the “
” column is a drop down
menu that allows selection of the line as a Direct Connect, Group Call, Emergency Group Call or
Alert Call. The “
iDen Number
” column holds the iDen® Radio Direct Connect and Group
numbers. Other options are selected as required by the installation.
The Call Type and iDen Number placed in these fields will be associated with a console
Function Tone. When a Console changes to that Function Tone and transmits, that Direct
Connect or Group number will be sent to the iDen® Radio and, if available, a connection will be
made. If using the iDen® Radio interface to make a phone call, the multicasts are unused, as a
TCP/IP socket connection is made in the same manner as Phone Mode.
Figure 2 iDen® Radio Setup Page