If attaching the wireless CPE to a mast, pipe or DSS dish-mount, then attach the angle bracket to
the mast as shown, using the U-bolts, nuts, washers and serrated clamps from the parts bag. If
possible, sight along the top of the angle bracket to aim the wireless CPE in the correct direction.
If you are using a vertical mast and require upward or downward beam tilt to the AP, then use
the optional holes in the angle bracket to obtain a 10 degree tilt, either up or down. If you
require more than 10 degrees, then use a standard DSS dish-mount instead. After aiming the
bracket, attach the CPE unit to the angle bracket using the remaining washers and nuts. Tighten
securely after checking the signal strength.
If attaching the wireless CPE to the fascia (under eaves), then secure the angle bracket to the
fascia with a single wood screw, attach the CPE to the bracket, aim for maximum signal and
finally secure the bracket with the 3 remaining wood screws. Make sure that the fascia is strong
enough to support the weight and wind load of the CPE!