5. Web Interface Configuration
The EZPlatform™ can be conveniently configured using its web interface. The web interface
provides intuitive navigation and options for you to easily configure the unit. Figure 2 shows a
sample page of the web interface.
Figure 2.
EZPlatform™ web interface
Throughout this manual, the buttons on the top row, which are light blue when unselected and
orange when selected, will be denominated ‘primary tabs’. Likewise, the buttons immediately
below the primary tabs, which are of a darker blue when unselected and orange when selected,
will be referred to as ‘secondary tabs’. For instance, in Figure 2 the ‘System Information’ primary
tab and the ‘General’ secondary tab are selected. To access a secondary tab, you must first
click on the primary tab to which the secondary tab belongs. Each primary tab has a different
set of secondary tabs. Some primary tabs do not have secondary tabs.