Revision Date | July 10, 2017 || Document Number | UM-E71-308-01 || Rev C
12 of 48
4 Starting Up
4.1 Power Up
The J1 power cable assembly, Telefonix PDT P/N E54-331, and DB-9 loop-back connector, Telefonix PDT
P/N E54-345, are required to be connected to the Cabin ACe-2 to turn on when power is applied.
The specified voltage input range is 97 to 134 VAC, 60 – 800 Hz, single-
phase power.
DO NOT connect to 220 VAC.
The power source must supply a minimum of 20W.
The power source must be switched off via AC power disconnect,
Telefonix PDTP/N E54-319, and must be easily accessible.
Ambient temperature must be above -20 °C for the CWAP to turn on.
Power is not switched internally and the unit will boot up as soon as
power is applied.
Properly connect Telefonix PDT P/N E54-331 to the CWAP J1 connector. The power source must be
switched off via AC Power disconnect, Telefonix PDT P/N E54-319, to make sure that no voltage is present
at the terminal during the connecting procedure. Plug the DB-9 loopback connector, Telefonix PDT P/N
E54-345, to the mating connector of J1, E54-331 cable assembly.
Connect the other end of the power cord to the power source (not provided). Switch on the power source
via the AC power disconnect.
4.2 Startup process
The CWAP needs two IP addresses for network connectivity, one for the access point and one for the
Signal Interface Board (SIB). The four discrete IP strapping pins in the J3 connector are set to HIGH (+5v
DC) by pull up resistors, and can be grounded to set static IP addresses, by default the CWAP is configured
as a DHCP client, and will request two IP address from the network DHCP server. If no DHCP server
responds to the request then auto configuration will assign an address to the AP on the network (the SIB will continue to send DHCP requests).
Note: The IP strapping bits are read by the CWAP at power up and will over-write any static IP assignment
made in the Aruba GUI. This behavior persists even when interface J3 is not connected.