LI-3000 / LI-3000E
© 1999
2015 Telefire Fire & Gas Detectors Ltd
Revision 1.14 May 2015
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Branching SLC Loop with Isolators
When an isolator in a branching SLC Loop with isolators senses a short it will disconnect
one of the branches and the other branches will be unaffected.
Figure 2 NFPA Style-4 (Class B) Loop with Branching Configuration
Notify the operator or the security personnel that the system will be temporary
disconnected before adding devices to a control panel.
Measure the wiring to ensure there are no shorts before connecting the wiring
to the control panel.
Connecting or adding devices to a control panel shall be done when all power
to the control power (AC and batteries) is off.
Pre-Installation Planning
4.1.1 Topology
Plan the SLC Loop’s topology according to the local codes and regulations and in
accordance to the planning requirements.
4.1.2 Capacity Planning
Ensure that you have sufficient available addresses on the ADR-3000. Each LI-3000
line isolator occupies a single address; LI-3000E isolators do not have an address.