LI-3000 / LI-3000E
© 1999
2015 Telefire Fire & Gas Detectors Ltd
Revision 1.14 May 2015
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Class A configuration in an ADR-3000 requires a minimum of 3 line isolators per loop.
The first two line isolators shall be connected to the control panel and adjacent to it.
Connect the line card to the two as per Figure 1. Configure the line card as a Class A
For each Class A loop one of the line isolators that is connected to the line
card shall have the lowest address of all addressable line isolators. Remove
jumper Jp1 from this module and connect it as per Figure 1. Other line
isolators can be either LI-3000 or LI-3000E. Other LI-3000 modules shall
have the jumper in place.
In ADR-3002C dual-loop line cards both loops shall be Class A or both loops
shall be Class B – this definition is done for each line card and not for each
loop. Control panels that have two line cards can have one of the cards
operate in Class B and the other as Class A.
Figure 1 Connecting Class A loop for ADR-3000
Class B Configuration
Branching SLC Loop without Isolators
When a short-circuit occurs in this configuration the system will stop communicating with
the entire loop, and a trouble message will be displayed indicating the fault.
If a disconnection occurs, devices connected to the circuit beyond the open wire will stop
operating and a trouble message will be displayed on the ADR-3000’s panel indicating
the faults.