THCD-401 Instruction Manual
Page 26 of 47
‘Live Data’ Page
The main section when the page first loads up is the ‘Live Data’ page, this page allows the user to monitor the
current live data of each channel, as well as channel specific setpoint control.
The ‘Live Data’ page allows the user to rezero each channel individually by using the zero buttons underneath
the channel label. The right side of the screen holds the live setpoint control for each channel. The channels
are all separate, so the user will need to apply the setpoint individually for each channel (via the Apply
buttons). The setpoints are limited by what is configured for that channel in the range field and whether the
channel is in internal or slave mode, as setup in the ‘Channel cfg’ page.
‘Channel cfg’ Page
Below is the channel configuration for just one channel. When the user navigates to the channel configuration
page, there are 4 of these sections in a column so that user can change the settings for each channel.
Units string allows for 7 characters so that the user can note what units are being measured
Range is the Engineering units range of the device. The number of decimal places set for the range
dictates its display precision
Fullscale is the Voltage input from the device.
Channel label is a 5 character string to more easily describe the channel.
Source is the setpoint source; the source can be ‘Internal’, ‘Slave 1’, ‘Slave 2’, ‘Slave 3’ and ‘Slave 4’.
Init value is the Initial setpoint value that will be set at startup.
Init mode is the valve position set at startup. Auto is the normal setpoint mode, Open will set the
output above maximum range voltage and closed sets below 0V.
The clear rezero button allows the user to clear any previous rezero offset that may be stored.