Spyder3 SC-34 Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
3.11 Saving and Restoring User Settings Using X-
Use the X-m od em featu re to save u ser settings and FPN / PRN U coefficients to a host PC , and vice-versa.
1. HyperTerminal settings
H yp erTerm inal su p p orts the X-m od em com m u nications p rotocol that is u sed to u p load and d ow nload
the files. H yp erTerm inal is the recom m end ed ap p lication to u se.
Op en H yp erTerm inal by clicking:
All Programs
Give you r H yp erTerm inal ap p lication a nam e and click OK. The Connect To d ialog box ap p ears.
Select a p rop er COM p ort and click OK. A COM Prop erties d ialog box ap p ears.
Select a p rop er COM
p ort.