SeaBat UI - User Manual
Figure 5-4
Example of error messages in the Status page
The messages in the Status page can be an error (red light) or a warning
(yellow light). When one of the errors or warnings is solved the light
becomes green and the message will stay in the list until the solved
messages are removed with
The error or warning message will also be displayed in the related BITE
information in the Details page (see below).
Next to the item that is in error more information in the message is
available to assist the operator to solve the problem. The possible cause
of the error or warning, the effect of the problem on the system and a hint
are available for the operator to understand the problem.
the list of messages can be cleared. If there are still
errors or warnings a new list with messages will be created in the Status
to save all information of all tabs along with the
diagram to a HTML file.The name of the file will contain the timestamp so
successive files won’t overwrite each other.
5.3.2 Details
In the Details page the BITE information of the selected component, wire
or pin in the diagram will be displayed. With the keystroke ‘Ctrl+B’ for
some items in the diagram more information becomes available.
On top of the page the name of the selected component, wire or pin with
the unique ID is given. Below this the available BITE information is
displayed with the actual value or status for each item. Between brackets
the accepted range for each item is displayed.