Revision D
5.4.3. Muting
• Alarms can be individually programmable to be mutable.
• This means the audible alarm can be muted for 60 seconds.
• After 60 seconds, if the alarm conditions still exist, the alarm will reactivate.
• Muting is achieved by a press and hold of the LH
5.5. Warnings & Fault Alarms
5.5.1. Battery Warning
The battery
symbol alternates with LO when approximately 30 minutes of runtime remain.
Recharge the monitor or replace the alkaline batteries.
The battery
symbol flashes when approximately three minutes of runtime remain.
Note: Audible and visual gas alarms continue to operate when the low battery warning
message appears.
5.5.2. Zero Fault
If the monitor is switched on in gas and has been unable to zero all sensors correctly, a ‘ZERO
FAULT’ message is displayed.
• A flashing wrench alternating with a gas value, as shown in Figure
27: Zero Fault (LEL).
• The audible alarm sounds, and the orange fault LED flashes.
• If the user is in a mode where the faulty sensor is used, the orange LED is on, continuously.
Figure 27: Zero Fault (LEL)
Return the monitor to fresh air and switch it off and on. If the fault persists, return the monitor for
If a Zero Fault exists, the monitor can still be used to detect and alarm on all the other ranges fitted.
5.5.3. Sensor Fault (After Warm-up)
There are two types of sensor faults:
1. ‘ZERO FAULT’ and a wrench symbol alternating with a zero reading, as illustrated in
Figure 28:
Zero Fault
• Apply relevant test gas for two minutes and then remove it.
• Allow the display to return to zero.