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COM Port Settings:
Select the proper COM port value corresponding to the GPS device USB
connection. Select a baud rate of 4800, data bits of 8, no parity, one stop bit, and no flow control.
NMEA Sequences
The BV-3200 is setup to receive only select NMEA sequences. Under NMEA
Sequences select: HDT, RMC, and ZDA. For more information on NMEA sequences refer to the
ProViewer Software Handbook.
GPS Offset
Because the GPS is mounted directly above the sonar on the BV-3200 the GPS offset will
be zero for both x and y.
Current Configurations:
Once COM Port Settings, NMEA Sequences, and GPS Offset have been
configured correctly you save a current configuration using the
Add Current
button. The current
configuration will appear highlighted under current configurations.
This configuration should be stored and populated the next time you open