WaveLink Series Differential Probe (13-25 GHz)
H a n dlin g t he Pr obe
The WaveLink series probe is a precision test instrument. Exercise care when handling and storing
the probe. Always handle the probe by the platform/cable assembly. Avoid putting excessive strain
on any cable or interconnect lead or exposing the probe cables to sharp bends.
ESD Sensitive
: The tips of the probe are sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). Avoid
causing damage to the probe by always following anti-static procedures (wear wrist strap,
etc.) when using or handling the probe.
Solder-in Tips:
Prevent damage to the solder-in tips by carefully storing them in the
plastic protective storage case when not in use.
Positioner Tip:
The PT tips are very small and are fragile. When not in use, store in the
provided case.
Con n e ct in g t he Pla t for m / Ca ble Asse m bly, Am plifie r
M odu le , a nd I nt e r con n e ct Le a d
Follow these instructions to properly connect the main probe components.
Con n e ct in g a n Am plifie r M odu le t o a Pla t for m / Ca ble Asse m bly
Attach an Amplifier Module to the Platform/Cable Assembly by aligning the connectors of the
module with the receptacles in the platform/cable assembly and pressing the two together. Be sure
to finger-tighten the assembly by rotating the threaded collar onto the module.
Connecting the Amplifier Module to the Platform/Cable Assembly