Step 4. Remove the Corner of the Side Rail After Removal from Drive Carrier
Using a suitable cutting tool (diagonal cutting pliers, etc) remove the corners of the side rails.
Step 5. Remove the EMI Shield Springs
The EMI spring system should be gently pulled away and unclipped from the end of the drive carrier. It will not be reused.
Step 6. Bend Drive Carrier Ears Out of the Way
The drive carrier is usually a simple folded piece of fairly thin metal, which can be gently bent flat by hand. If there are
metal ears, which held the screws to the ejection catch assembly, they should be gently (by hand) unfolded first before
the end of the drive carrier metal is unfolded.
Cut along the corner
of the side rail
Typical set of
cutting pliers
(or similar tool)
Ear bent out
of the way