DataRoute voice User Manual
Port Forwarding (Virtual Servers)
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Virtual Servers
This page allows the user to forward incoming traffic on selected ports on the WAN interfaces
to internal hosts. This can be used to make internal applications available to the internet
(e.g. a web server).
Click the
button to add a new forward:
Use Interface – select the WAN interface to forward from
Service Name – either select from the list of predefined services (e.g. Web Server
(HTTP)) or enter a name for a custom service.
Server IP Address – enter the local IP Address to forward network traffic to
Ports Table – if a predefined service is selected the table will be completed
automatically. If a custom service is being entered the table must be filled in
Enter the range of IP addresses to match from the external (WAN) interface
(start and end ports can be the same to match a single IP Address).
Select the Protocol (TCP, UDP or both TCP/UDP)
Enter the range of IP addresses to forward to at the internal host. These can be
the same as the external ports or the traffic can be forwarded to a different port
on the internal host.
Enter the required values and then click the
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