Model 458-3SLB (3-Slot Chassis)
Page 30
Connecting to the Model 458-3SLB via Ethernet Connector
Using the 458-3SLB fron
t panel buttons, press the “C” button immediately followed by the up and/or
down arrows, until the LCD displays “ENET:9600.”
To communicate with the 458-3SLB, launch a terminal emulator program such as Hyper Terminal.
Configure the connection within that program to use the COM port selected in the Redirector
program. Use the following standard settings:
Baud Rate: 9600bps
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
Refer to
RS-232/Ethernet Controls
for a list of the RS-232 commands available to control the Model
Only one connection at a time is allowed. If you receive a message in the terminal
emulator program that the COM port is not available, it may be the result of another
user accessing the unit. In addition, the user should ensure that the local port setting for
the transceiver is the same as the one entered during set of the virtual COM port. Refer
to the
Local Port Setting
section later in this chapter.
Communicating with a 458 Chassis using Remote terminal software
1. Open a program such as HyperTerminal.
2. If the program was launched for the first time an area code should be entered to proceed.