Configuration ID
Numerical code stored in both the transmitter and receiver unit. The receiver unit
can only be controlled by a transmitter with the correct configuration ID.
Continuous radio
When in continuous radio mode the transmitter unit transmits continuously when
it is switched on.
Custom ID
Numerical code stored in the transmitter unit, used to replace the unique ID code.
One or several transmitter units can be configured with the same custom ID and
the receiver will recognise them all as the same transmitter unit.
Discontinuous radio
When in discontinuous radio mode the transmitter unit transmits whenever it is
switched on and a button is pressed. The transmission is interrupted when all but-
tons are released.
Function relay
Standard relay, controlled by the buttons on the transmitter unit.
Prevents a component from functioning when another component is functioning
or operating in a particular way.
Latching relay
The relay becomes active every time you press a button and remains active until
the button is pressed again.
Load select mode
One or more Load select modes are stored in the transmitter unit. Activating a spe-
cific Load select mode results in a group of preselected relays on the receiver unit,
which may be controlled from the transmitter unit.
Momentary relay
The relay will only be active while a button is pressed on the transmitter. When
the button is released, the relay will no longer be active.
On relay
Relay that is active when the receiver unit is operating and a radio link is estab-
lished, regardless of whether any other relays are active.
Operating mode
One or more Operating modes are stored in the receiver unit. Each Operating
mode describes which relays on the receiver unit are controlled when specific but-
tons on the transmitter unit are pressed.
Replace ID
Numerical code used to identify the transmitter during the Replace procedure.
Stop relay
Safety related relay controlled by the stop button on the receiver. Intended to inter-
rupt the power supply to a safety application controlled by the receiver unit.
Work relay
Relay that is active when any other specified relay(s) on the receiver unit is/are act-
Zero position check Security function ensuring that potentially active buttons/joysticks upon start up
or lost/found radio links must be in the zero position before the system can be
used to avoid unplanned movements of the controlled object.