Fig. 14: RST Pushbutton
This pushbutton should not be handled by the user unless it is necessary to re-establish the default configuration.
This forces startup in either BOOT mode (updating from BOOT), or in BIOS mode (to re-license and delete the con-
figuration files).
1.4.1 Procedure to ignore the current configuration and to establish the default
Follow these steps when you have to reject the whole router configuration (for instance, if you cannot remember the
• Turn off the device by means of the ON/OFF switch.
• Using a sharp object, press the RST pushbutton and hold it down.
• Turn the device on with the ON/OFF switch.
• Wait until the WLAN LED begins to blink (see Figure 15) and release the RST pushbutton.
• Once the pushbutton has been released, the WLAN LED turns off and the process to boot the router with the de-
fault configuration begins.
Fig. 15: Once the WLAN LED is blinking you can release the pushbutton
When the RST pushbutton is released, a message similar to the one shown below will appear on the
configuration console.
CFE version XXXX
Build Date: XXXX
Parallel flash device: name AM29LV320MT, id 0x2201, size 16384KB
CPU type 0x2A010: 300MHz, Bus: 133MHz, Ref: 64MHz
CPU running TP0
Total memory: 67108864 bytes (64MB)
Boot Address 0xbe000000
*** default configuration required ***
Board IP address
Host IP address
Gateway IP address
Run from flash/host (f/h)
: f
Default host run file name
1 Installing the Router
Teldat S.A.
Teldat Connect-104 Router