Fig. 11: Configuration connector
The terminal configuration is as follows:
- Speed: 9600 bps
- Eight data bits
- One stop bit
- No bit parity
- No type of flow control
To connect to the configuration port, use the RJ45 cables supplied with the router, together with the female
RJ45-female DB9 adapter.
The female RJ45-female DB9 adapter is not provided and must be acquired separately.
Fig. 12: Configuration Connection Configuring using an IP terminal (connectors LAN1..4)
The Teldat Connect-104 includes a default configuration that activates if the router has not been previous con-
figured, or, if the Procedure to establish the default configuration has been executed (this is explained further
The router’s default configuration establishes the following IP address and the access mask:
• IP address:
• IP mask:
1 Installing the Router
Teldat S.A.
Teldat Connect-104 Router