In this section:
Basic operation ........................................................................ 4-1
Source-measure capabilities .................................................... 4-1
Limits ........................................................................................ 4-2
Sink operation .......................................................................... 4-5
DUT test connections ............................................................... 4-6
Front-panel source-measure procedure ................................. 4-28
Sense mode selection ............................................................ 4-30
Output-off modes ................................................................... 4-31
Basic operation
For the Models 2611B, 2612B, 2614B, 2634B, 2635B, and 2636B, hazardous voltages may be
present on all output and guard terminals. To prevent electrical shock that could cause injury
or death, never make or break connections to the 2600B while the instrument is powered on.
Turn off the equipment from the front panel or disconnect the main power cord from the rear
of the 2600B before handling cables. Putting the equipment into standby does not guarantee
that the outputs are powered off if a hardware or software fault occurs.
Source-measure capabilities
From the front panel, you can configure the instrument to perform the following
source-measure operations:
Source voltage:
Measure and display current, voltage, resistance, or power
Source current:
Measure and display voltage, current, resistance, or power
Measure resistance:
Display resistance calculated from voltage and current components of
measurement (can optionally specify source voltage or source current value)
Measure power:
Display power calculated from voltage and current components of
measurement (can optionally specify source voltage or source current value)
Measure only (V or I):
Display voltage or current measurement
Section 4