Keithley Instruments
28775 Aurora Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44139
SMU Potentiostats and EC-UPGRADE Kit
Quick Start Guide
071347302 / March 2020
The Keithley Instruments SMU (source-measure unit) Potentiostats are designed to make electrochemical
measurements easily and accurately. Included with your Model 2450, 2460, or 2461 Interactive SourceMeter
Instrument and other hardware is a USB flash drive containing electrochemistry test scripts or applications.
When running, each application can be user-configured to meet your specific test requirements.
The EC-UPGRADE kit lets you use an existing Keithley Instruments 2450, 2460, or 2461 SourceMeter as a
potentiostat or galvanostat.
The following applications are installed on your instrument or on the supplied USB flash drive.
Cyclic Voltammetry
: Potential is swept at a user-programmable scan rate between two to four defined
potential vertices, and the resulting current is measured.
Open Circuit Potential
: Measures the cell potential difference between two electrodes with high-input
impedance as a function of time.
Potential Pulse and Square Wave
: Sources potential at programmable peak and base levels while
current is recorded at the pulse peak level, and the resulting current is measured.
Current Pulse and Square Wave
: Sources current at programmable peak and base levels, and the
potential is recorded at the pulse peak level.
: Potential is stepped to a programmed value, and the resulting current is measured
as a function of time.
: Current is stepped to a programmed value, and the resulting potential is
measured as a function of time.
This kit is not intended to be used with a SMU interlock enabled. To prevent electric shock
and possible damage to the test cable assembly or test setup, do not activate the Keithley
Instruments 2450, 2460, or 2461 interlock.
When the interlock is not engaged on the 2450, 2460, or 2461 the nominal output is limited to
±42 V. However, review the
(on page 23) section of this document to
ensure responsible operation.