converted to the general mode. By using the channel buttons (▲,▼) at the call mode, the call number
of a channel which is available for the call is displayed.
Figure 6-6) General Mode Figure 6-7) Call Mode
1:1 Call at call mode
Press the “Enter” button for a long period(about 2seconds) at the general mode in order to
enter into the call mode.
Select your party to call by using the channel button (▲, ▼). If you ( ID : 12345 ) want to call
your party(ID : 54321), select him(ID : 54321) by using the channel button
(▲,▼) at the call mode.
Figure 6-8) ID Selection
You can call the party (ID : 54321) by pressing the “Enter” button and then, the Radio of
your party(ID:54321) displays the ID number "12345". Even though your party’s Radio is in
general mode, the Radio will be converted to the call mode automatically.
Ffigure 6-9) ID Transmission
After the call is completed, the Transmission and the Reception have no restriction, which
means that the TX/RX will be free.
2) Group(1:N) Call at call mode
In order to make the Group call at the call mode, the following should be set up at the PC
If the 1
party (ID:53579) and the 2
party(ID:52468) are in one group, the "5AAAA"which is
a call number / call name(example : baseball player) should be designated. ("A" means that all
the numbers are applied.)