2/1-port FXS ATA WiFi-Router Quick
User Guide
2007, M/C:TSIP-2512GR-R3
Page 10
Before you place a call, you must setup SIP configuration in Telephony Setting page. Port1 is for FXS1,
port2 is for FXS2.
You must give number, Login ID, Password
Check Proxy Enable box to enable SIP proxy function and then give proxy address in Proxy Addr
Check Outbound Proxy Enable box to enable outbound proxy function and then give outbound proxy
address in Outbound Proxy Addr field.
After configuration, please
to update the settings in the router.
7 How to Operate the Device
Place a call
Step 1
. Pick up handset; you can get a dial tone.
Step 2.
Input the number you want to call, and press
to call out
Answering a call
Step 1.
If you hear the Ringing, you can pick up the handset to receive the call.
Step 2.
After you finish the conversation then hang-up the handset to disconnect the call.
Step 1.
Pick up the handset, the press
to call the last number you dialed
Call Return
Step 1.
Pick up the handset, the press
to call the last number called you
Placing a second call during a call
When you are talking to someone, you may need to call a second people without hanging up the first one.
To achieve this purpose you can follow the steps below: