- When the product is shipped from the factory, the battery is not fully charged.
Please, Charge the battery before using it. (it takes about 8 hours to fully charge
- If not used for more than one month, fully charge the battery then unplug the
power adapter. It is possible to keep the device charged for at least three
- When the unit stops itself, the battery is empty and it needs to be recharged. It
is useless to try to restart it.
Charge the device immediately, otherwise, prolonged discharge will result in
decreased battery life.
- Make a habit of putting the device on the charging base after each use.
- The ambient temperature must be between 5 ° C and 35 ° C.
- If the unit is returned to its base during operation, it will automatically stop and
switch to charging mode.
- It is normal for the body and adapter temperature being hot during charging.
- Place the support in vertical position, Connect the adapter to the charging
- Place the appliance and its rotating brush on the charging base.
After about two seconds, the indicator light on the handle will automatically give
a bright indication of the condition of the battery.
- Only the first indicator light flashes (1),
the charge is low or even exhausted.
- The first light is on and the second is flashing (2),
the battery is charged more than half.
- The first two lights are on and the third is flashing (3),
the battery is almost fully charged.
- The three lights are on (1 + 2 + 3) The battery is full.
1 - 2 - 3 Charge indicator lights
4 Charge Controller
5 Handle of the device
- When the unit is in the upright position, if necessary, turn the handle
backwards so that the support is operational and in the working position.