Installa� on and Opera� ng Instruc� ons
Panel Heater MCT
4. Instruc� ons for use
The MCT radiator is an electric radiator intended for hea� ng dry indoor areas. The radiator is ideally
suited to be used in rooms such as living rooms, bedrooms, (home) offi ces, hobby rooms, etc.
The radiator is equipped with a built-in controller with clock / week program. In addi� on, there are a
number of other func� ons included in the radiator:
• Presence detec� on
with adjustable � me interval,
• 3 Temperature levels
(comfort, economy and frost-free),
• User behaviour indica� on
through 3 background colours,
• Babycare func� on
(maximum casing Temperature of approx. 60°C),
• Open window func� on
• Energy consump� on meter
• Key lock
5. Se� ng Temperature levels
The built-in thermostat controls the hea� ng based on set room Temperatures.
Three diff erent Temperature levels apply:
Comfort Temperature (self-adjustable)
Economy Temperature (self-adjustable)
Frost-free Temperature (preset at 7°C and not changeable by the operator)
A: Set Temperature for the displayed mode
B: Open-Window fuc� on ac� ve
C: Presence func� on ac� ve
D: Comfort Mode
E: Eco Mode
F: Frost Mode
G: Baby care func� on ac� ve
OK Weekprogramm
By pressing the „mode“ bu�on from the main screen, you can switch between the diff
rent levels,
and then use the + and - bu� ons to set the desired Temperature.
To set to Frost mode, hold down
the „mode“ button. Frost mode set temperature
is fixed at 7° C and
cannot be adjusted.
Comfort Temperature can be set between 7 - 35 degrees.
Economy Temperature can be set between 7 - 31.5 degrees, but can never be less than 3.5 degrees
below the Comfort Temperature.
Please note:
When you set the radiator manually with the mode bu� on to a certain mode, it is con� nuously swit-
ched to this mode, and will therefore con� nue to heat un� l the requested Temperature is reached. It
is preferable to set the radiator to a preset programme, so that hea� ng is provided only when
desired and necessary.
The presence sensor is (if the func� on is enabled) an addi� on to the � mer programme.